COMPONENTI STRUTTURATI: Prof. Guido Veronese (Responsabile scientifico); Prof.ssa Laura Formenti (membro); Dott. Stefano Malatesta (membro); Dott. Alessandro Pepe (membro); Prof.ssa Eleonora Farina (membro).
COMPONENTI AFFILIATI: Loredana Addimando (PhD, SUPSI, Social Psychologist and senior lecturer, Locano, CH); Mohammed Altawil (PhD, PsyD in Clinical Psychology, University of Hertfordshire, UK); Ashraf Kagee (PhD, PH, in Counselling Psychology Stellenbosch University, SA); Fayez Mahamid (Clinical Psychology, An-Najah National University, Psychology, PAL); Cindy Sousa (Social Work, Bryn Mawr, PhD, PH, social work, Associate Professor, US); Alessandra Testoni (PhD, Italian Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affair, IT); Marzia Vigliaroni (UNHCR, Mental Health coordinator, Niger; Ron Smith (Bucknell University, Human Geography, Associate Professor, US)
COLLABORATORI TEMPORANEI ALLA RICERCA: Federica Cavazzoni (PhD candidate, psychoanalyst in training ); Dario Firenze (BA, Psychology, Università degli Studi di Torino); Alberto Mascena (PhD, Adjunct Professor, etno-systemic psychotherapist); Hania Al-Essawi (PhD candidate, social worker); Hala Kittaneh (PhD candidate , Community Psychologist)