30 march – April 4 2020 at Milano-Bicocca University
The 5 days training with the aim to increase skills of MHPSS workers of 5 centres in Niger, and a selected number of workers at SPRAR system in Italy on promotion of individual and collective (community) resilience, crisis management, experiential and transformative instruments in adult education.
Furthermore, the intensive week will be aimed at promoting dialogue, self-experience and shared knowledge in aid workers operating in context of forced migration, refuge and humanitarian crisis.
- Increased knowledge on experiential, educational and psycho-social tools for crisis and trauma intervention
- Potentiating and strengthening ties between Italian and African workers
- Sharing experiences for strengthening resilience and self-confidence in aid workers
Prof. Guido Veronese

Guido Veronese is an Italian Associate Professor working at the Department of Human Sciences and Education, University of Milano-Bicocca. Graduated from Padua University in Clinical and Community Psychology. He earned his doctorate in Clinical Psychology (University of Milano-Bicocca). Psy.D. in individual, couple and family Psychotherapy, counselling and family mediation. His research focuses on investigating throughout mixed-methods research designs domains and dimensions of well-being in war-affected populations. Psychological functioning, sources of agency, and culture-informed coping strategies are the core of his investigation. Guido teaches and does research in multicultural contexts, and in settings characterized by ongoing crisis such as Gaza Strip, in the Middle East (Iraq Kurdistan) and Niger, Sub-Saharan Africa.
Prof. Laura Formenti

Full Professor of General and Social Pedagogy, teaches Family Education and Pedagogical Consultancy. Coordinates the “Education in Contemporary Society” doctorate. Engaged since 1992 on the international Adult Education and Learning scene, it actively participates in the scientific activities of various groups, networks and companies, including ESREA (of which she has been President since 2014), in particular the Research Network “Life History and Biography” – LHBN (of which it is convenor together with Linden West and Alan Bainbridge) and “Interrogating Transformative Processes in Learning” (ITPL); the International Transformative Learning Conferences – ITLC, the ICQI International Conferences for Qualitative Inquiry (Urbana-Champaign, Illinois); it is also part of the organizing group of the European Qualitative Inquiry Conferences – ECQI and of the Asian (South Korean) IBLLC – Biography, Lifelong Learning and Culture.
Dott. Alessandro Pepe

Alessandro Pepe (Ph.D.) is a Clinical Psychologist and Research Methodologist in the social sciences. Qualified to the position of 2nd level Professor in General Psychology and Psychometrics, he currently holds the position of Researcher at the Department of Human Sciences for Education “R. Massa ”, University of Milano-Bicocca. Expert in mixed research methods and multivariate analysis, his professional activity has focused on training and psycho-social interventions aimed at promoting well-being in populations living in areas characterized by political, military and human rights violations.
Mr Paolo Pagani

Paolo Pagani is an educator and coordinator of Farsi Prossimo onlus, SPRAR system Milano for asylum seekers and refugees. Consultant and advisor in many projects on forced migration, refuge, and social vulnerability.