INTERNAL MEMBERS: Prof. Guido Veronese (scientific director); Prof.ssa Laura Formenti (member); Dott. Stefano Malatesta (member); Dott. Alessandro Pepe (member); Prof.ssa Eleonora Farina (member).
RESEARCH AFFILIATES: Loredana Addimando (PhD, SUPSI, Social Psychologist and senior lecturer, Locano, CH); Mohammed Altawil (PhD, PsyD in Clinical Psychology, University of Hertfordshire, UK); Ashraf Kagee (PhD, PH, in Counselling Psychology Stellenbosch University, SA); Fayez Mahamid (Clinical Psychology, An-Najah National University, Psychology, PAL); Cindy Sousa (Social Work, Bryn Mawr, PhD, PH, social work, Associate Professor, US); Alessandra Testoni (PhD, Italian Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affair, IT); Marzia Vigliaroni (UNHCR, Mental Health coordinator, Niger); Ron Smith (Bucknell University, Human Geography, Associate Professor, US).
TEMPORARY RESEARCH MEMBERS: Federica Cavazzoni (PhD candidate, psychoanalyst in training); Dario Firenze (BA, Psychology, Università degli Studi di Torino); Alberto Mascena (PhD, Adjunct Professor, etno-systemic psychotherapist); Hania Al-Essawi (PhD candidate, social worker); Hala Kittaneh (PhD candidate, Community Psychologist).

Guido Veronese has a degree in Clinical and Community Psychology from the University of Padua. He obtained his PhD in Clinical Psychology at the University of Milano-Bicocca, where he currently holds the position of Associate professor. He is a clinical psychologist and psychotherapist of the couple and the family, he is also an expert in intervention on extreme and collective traumas, working in areas affected by political violence, military and serious violation of human rights.
For more informations about Guido Veronese's scientific works click here

Alessandro Pepe (Ph.D. is a Clinical Psychologist and Methodologist of Social Science Research. He is qualified as Professor of General Psychology and Psychometrics, and currently holds the position of Research fellow at the Department of Human Sciences for Education "R. Massa", University of Milan-Bicocca. Expert in mixed methods research and multivariate analysis, his professional activity has focused on training and psycho-social intervention aimed at promoting well-being in populations living in areas characterized by political violence, military and human rights violations.
For more informations about Alessandro Pepe's scientific works cick here

Eleonora Farina is an Associate Professor of Developmental Psychology and Education at the Department of Human Sciences for Education "R. Massa", University of Milano-Bicocca.
For more informations about Eleonora Farina scientific works click here

Federica Cavazzoni is graduated in Clinical Psychology cum laude at the University of Padua in 2015, is a Ph.D. student at the Department of Human Sciences & Education, “R.Massa”, University of Milano- Bicocca. Her research activity is dedicated at identifying positive functioning and resources in children living in political violence and war-torn environments. She developed experiences into the ethno-psychiatric field in the Public Health System (Bologna, Italy) and in different associations (such as Psychologists for Humans Rights and Approdi Onlus) supporting refugees and asylum seekers during their process of recovery.
For more informations about Federica Cavazzoni's scientific works click here

Alberto Mascena (Ph.D.), is a social psychologist and psychotherapist with a systemic-relational orientation. He is an adjunct professor in Social Psychology at the University of Milan Bicocca, he mainly in the field of ethno-psychology, social psychology of migration and "trauma", with particular attention to sub-Saharan emigration to Italy, the phenomenon of couples and mixed families and the issue of psychosocial distress in war contexts.
For more informations about Alberto Mascena's scientific works click here

Dario Firenze he got Psychological Sciences and Techniques degree at the University of Milan - Bicocca, title obtained with the degree thesis "The damned of therapy. Frantz Fanon, French ethnopsychiatry and decolonial perspectives of psychological treatment ". He currently carries out his studies in the master's degree program "Clinical psychology: health and interventions in the community" of the University of Turin, developing his research focused on the relationship between structural racism, psychic suffering, and domination and liberation policies in psychological care. and in clinical practice.